The Top 3 Ways to Clean Your Phone
The CDC considers the phone a “high-touch surface” which makes it an easy carrier for bacteria and viruses. Indeed, Dr. David Westenberg, associate professor of biological sciences at Missouri University of Science and Technology, recently said “touch screens on our devices are an often overlooked source of microbes that can be brought into our personal space”. This is especially concerning for people over the age of 50 as they are part of the high risk population.
Still not sure why you should clean your phone on a daily basis? Many experts have proven that phones contain 10 times the number of germs found on a toilet seat.
We tested many ways to clean your phone to get rid of any bacteria from the most popular methods such as alcohol wipes all the way to new high tech solutions. Here are the 3 most effective cleaning methods we found.
#1 - Most effective: UV Sanitizers

Effectiveness: 99.9%
Safety: 100%
Convenience: 90%
Overall: A+
Hospitals and laboratories have been using ultraviolet (UV) light to kill bacteria for years. UV lights disinfect by disrupting the molecular bonds that hold together microbial genetic material or proteins. Now the same technology can be found in small devices to clean your phone.
There are several UV sanitizers in the market today and the more expensive options are not always the most effective. After testing 5 models, we recommend the Eto UV Sanitizer. It has shown to kill 99.9% of bacteria, has a built-in wireless charger, fits any iPhone and Android smartphone, and takes only 5 minutes to sanitize. Plus, you can use it to sanitize your keys, glasses, jewelry, etc. This is a robust product with LEDs which will probably last a lifetime. They say 60,000 hours.
UPDATE: It looks like there is a time-limited offer where you can get the Eto UV Sanitizer for half the price. This could be a good deal to take advantage of while they have it.

#2 - Most common: 70% isopropyl alcohol wipes

Effectiveness: 60%
Safety: 80%
Convenience: 40%
Overall: B
The 2nd option is to use 70% alcohol wipes. Be careful as per the phone manufacturers you need to gently wipe the hard, nonporous surfaces of your phone, such as the display or other exterior surfaces. You don’t want to use any moisture as it may get into the connectors. You don’t want to use chemicals such as pure alcohol, hand sanitizer, or window cleaner since it may break down the oleophobic coating on your phone’s display which is used to minimize the appearance of fingerprints.
Last, paper towels are not a replacement for wipes because they are abrasive and create scratches on your screen.
#3 - Cheapest: 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar

Effectiveness: 50%
Safety: 90%
Convenience: 20%
Overall: C
This method requires some work but before I had the Eto UV Sanitizer, I used to follow these steps. I would first prepare a mix of 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar. Then lightly dampen the corner of a soft, lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth with the distilled water and white vinegar mix. You should then gently wipe your phone with the cloth and use the dry corner of cloth to remove any excess on your phone (be very careful with the moisture on your phone!) and let it sit for 15 minutes.
Why I Chose the Eto UV Sanitizer
I wanted to provide more details on why the eto worked best. Here is how I used it.
Personally, I was never sure UV-C light actually killed bacteria and germs. There’s a lot of brands out there claiming they work, but most don’t.
My good friend, who works in a lab, swore by the eto. She said it worked within 5 mins. I, of course, didn’t believe her. But then, I could see her peace of mind, relaxed attitude just growing as she was sanitizing her stuff with no effort. I begged her to let me borrow her eto uv sanitizer. Instead, she gave me a secret link and I ordered two eto immediately.
I received the package within a week and started using it that night. Using it is very simple, you simply put your phone in and close the lid before you sleep. It feels like a little genie is sanitizing your phone..and charging it.
How Does It Work?
I looked into the science of eto. I wanted to know how it worked, and what it was doing to the bacteria on my phone…
It turns out light has several “spectrum”. Some is visible light and some is invisible light. On the invisible light side, the UV-A and UV-B cause wrinkles and why I put on sunscreen often. But more interestingly, in the UV spectrum we can find the UV-C.

Bacteria and germs are microorganisms which are simple organic structures that readily absorb the UV-C wavelength, causing photo-disassociation …destruction!. It looks like this

Interestingly, the UV-C does not penetrate any solid surface or material so inside the eto box, the UV-C light bounces around to hit every surface, nook, and cranny. It will basically sanitize anything that fits in it: Earrings, smartwatch, etc.
Did It Finally Work?
After 5 mins of sanitizing, I took my phone out and it looked clean. Honestly, these are micro bacteria so how could I tell? In Houston, News anchor Tiffany Craig visited a lab at Rice University, and with some help from Biosciences professor Dr. Matt Bennett, discovered that UVC light worked. I felt reassured and lots of peace of mind.

I’ve been converted into an eto believer, and hope you will, too.